Install Terminator

Want to try Terminator? This guide will guide you through installing Terminator and its requirements.

Before proceeding, consider installing these first:

  • At least Python 2.6
  • python-pip installer
  • git distributed version control system
  • A database management system like PostgreSQL or MySQL
  • The Python bindings for the installed database management system
  • Optionally a mail server

Local installation

In order to install Terminator run the following commands:

$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv <env-name>
(env-name) $ git clone
(env-name) $ cd terminator
(env-name) $ pip install -r requirements/base.txt

Creating a Database

It is necessary to create a database to store all Terminator data. This database must be UTF-8 encoded. You can give it any name. How to create that database is out of this documents scope, so please refer to your database documentation.


This database must be UTF-8 encoded.

Customizing the Configuration

The initial configuration includes settings that most likely you are going to change, for example you must change the DATABASES setting to match your database settings (database engine, database name, database user,...), or change the DEBUG, SECRET_KEY, TIME_ZONE, EMAIL_PORT or ADMINS settings.


If you are going to use a mail server perhaps you will have to customize other Django settings not included in Terminator configuration. If this is the case then just add those settings to Django configuration file.

Setting Up the Database

Before your run Terminator for the first time, you need to create the schema for the database and populate it with initial data. This is done by executing the syncdb management command:

(env-name) $ cd project
(env-name) $ python syncdb --noinput

Running Terminator

To run it, just issue:

(env-name) $ python runserver

And the server will start listening on port 8000. This can be accessed from your web browser at http://localhost:8000/.

This default installation already provides several default user accounts with different roles:

  • User usuario with password usuario (has superuser role)
  • User dono with password dono
  • User lexi with password lexi
  • User term with password term

If you want to try the import feature you have to use the usuario user account. You may test it using TBX files like the ones provided by Proxecto Trasno.

Deploying Terminator using a Web Server

If you want to deploy Terminator using a web server like Apache, please refer to Django deployment documentation.